13 November 2019
BP Awards

Now in their 42nd year, the Tallow Chandlers Awards to BP Technologists and Apprentices recognise individuals who show outstanding performance both inside the company and outside it in their own communities.

Six young people received Tallow Chandlers awards from the Lady Mayoress, Mrs Hilary Russell, on 12 November. The two overall winners were from Upstream Exploration, Oman  (Technical Apprentice) and Mishrif RMT, Sunbury (Technologist).

In addition, the 527 Specialist Team, Royal Engineers (Works), 170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group – the Company’s military affiliation, were awarded the Sapper Award, which promotes the development of vocational skills and in particular the recognition of sappers who have shown excellence in their field of work or excelled on vocational courses.

The Master hosted the event, with the participation of Dr Joan Wales, Chairman of the Tallow Chandlers/BP Liaison Committee. Mr Alan Haywood, BP Chief Executive Officer Integrated Supply and Trading attended the event as principal guest from BP.

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