02 March 2023

The Master, Mr Peter Cazalet, and Members of the Company welcomed 11 Tallow Chandler Intercalated Award winners, plus staff, of Barts to the Hall on 2nd March 2023, along with staff from London’s Air Ambulance, for the annual Barts Awards Supper. On this occasion, the Tallow Chandler MSc Pre-Hospital Care bursary recipient at London’s Air Ambulance was unable to attend as he was working with the Halo Trust in Angola, delivering extended paramedic skills training to landmine clearance medics. Dr Jürgen Groet, Head of Intercalated Degrees at Barts, was the guest speaker and spoke about intercalation and how it makes students better medics.

In 1829 the Company’s relationship with Barts began when it donated seven shillings to St Bartholomew’s Hospital. The current Awards were started in 1989 by the late Peter Ensor, then First Warden, and now include the Ensor Zochonis Award which derives from generous donations made by the late Sir John Zochonis, Liveryman, in memory of Peter Ensor after Peter’s death in 1995. We were delighted to welcome Jeremy Ensor, Peter’s son and Liveryman, to the Supper, and also this year’s Ensor Zochonis bursary award winner, Ibrahim Dinah, who gave a fascinating and heartfelt speech to the guests. 

The Master, Mr Peter Cazalet, with the Barts Award Winners 2023
The Master, Mr Peter Cazalet, with the Barts Award Winners 2023
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